Maddie Greer10 Comments


Maddie Greer10 Comments

In a world full of bloggers, photographers, artists, freelancers.. It’s easy to feel like the odd man out or like you're not doing enough. I’ve gotten a lot of questions on how I started my blog, how I maintained my IG following, and how I continue to keep building my audience. In this blog post, I’m going to try as much as I can to help! If you have more questions, don't be afraid to ask them! 

I have to say, there’s not one right thing you can do when you’re first starting. But the ONE thing I heard over and over again from people that I look up to is staying consistent. And this can go a few different ways.

  • Find your style. Find what you love doing -whether that be beauty, exercise, food, style, etc. And stick with it! Stay consistent with your style and stick out from the rest! What is the one thing you can bring to the table that others can’t? How can you push yourself that much farther? 


  • Posting to social media. This is a big one. You want to be posting AT LEAST once a day. If you’re feeling brave, go for 2-4 times a day. Keep your audience coming back for more. At the end of the day, they will look forward to visiting your profile and seeing what they missed that day. It’s important to stay engaged with your followers. If you work a full-time job, set aside one day as your “content day” and build as much content as you can. Shoot different outfits, recipes, beauty techniques etc. so that you have things to post throughout the week. 


  • Editing style. Find an editing style that you like and stick with it. This will help you have a clean profile, that is appealing to someone who is looking at your page as a whole. (I will share my editing apps that I use later in this post). Find a filter that you like and use it!! I can’t tell you how satisfying it is when you find a profile that is consistent and clean. 


  • Engage with your followers. I didn’t realize how important this was until I started doing it recently. And I really regret not doing it sooner. These are the people that are following your work and admiring it! Be consistent with responding, writing back, even going to their page and commenting on some of their things. Community is key. Especially in an oversaturated market. Support each other. 


  • Good quality photos. This is a must must must. If you’re starting a blog, the photography is very important. People pay attention to these things, if someone visits your blog and sees photos that look like they were taken with a flip phone, then they won’t take you seriously. Do you have a friend who is starting out as a photographer? Ask them to collaborate! That way you get your photos, and they get practice + work for their portfolio. Or if you have the budget, hire a photographer. For IG, its okay to take iPhone photos, the majority of my feed is from my iPhone! If you need help with taking iPhone photos, my husband filmed a tutorial that you can watch HERE


  • Reach out to companies. Don’t be afraid to pitch yourself and your work to different companies/brands! It can be scary at first, but I promise it’s very rewarding. The best thing to do is create a pitch deck/media kit. You can find simple templates online to help you create it, or have a professional create one for you. This is simply a two to three page document showing your analytics, past collaborations/gigs, follower count, etc. This gives the brand all the information they need in one email and makes it much easier.  Read more HERE


  1. Leica Q


  1. Adobe Lightroom 
  2. VSCO Presets 


  1. VSCO
  2. Snapseed